HitMan Ministries

HitMan Ministries
Get informed not conformed. _________________________________ A Prophetic Publication For The Word of the LORD

Thursday, May 28, 2015

"Black On Black" Crime Does Not Justify Injustice

It is always disappointing to me at the number of Black people who seem always quick to make the counter point of "Black on Black" crime as if it is the source or justification for criminal behavior and injustice against Black folks by authorities to negate our cries and complaints against it. The ignorant and uninformed among "us" basically say because of "black on black" crime we really can't complain, or they use it to deflect away from complaints against injustice and the cries for justice. Do they ever tell white folks they can't complain against injustice or get justice because of "white on white crime" which is much greater?

Most folks who bring up "Black on Black crime" have never nor will ever make a positive contribution in any way in the Black community to help stop it nor know the actual statistics on it beyond what the biased white controlled media tells them and they repeat like parrots. They don't see how venomous and counter productive their arguments are against equality and racial injustice on behalf of the philosophy of "White Supremacy"

You don't cure a disease by highlighting the symptoms and never addressing the infection at the root. "Black on Black crime" does not justify injustice, police brutality, disproportionate mass incarcerations, or excuse the enforced systemic policies of "White Supremacy" against Black People

Before there was "Black on Black" crime in this country there was "White Supremacy" and even more brutal violence against Blacks than the kind we are seeing now with even less restraints and protections by law with government consent. The difference now is that instead of standing against it united as a common front and dealing with our own issues "in house" (which many unsung heroes/heroines do on a daily basis that goes unrecognized) we are divided before a common oppressor with one half most often making an argument on behalf of the oppressive system of brutality which is a defacto justification and condoning of it. 

We know "Black on Black" crime is an issue and don't ignore it, but we never see the primary public complainers among us about it around when we're dealing with it except to complain about it even more to help shut us up when we complain about the injustices done to us

Dear "Sambo" & "Samboette", that is a "slave mentality" in making "masta's" argument for him against the rest of us to justify him beating us while feeling quite righteous versus others you deem yourself better than. We're free people still treated like slaves and second class citizens. You're complaining against brutality among your own people by one another (some of which many of you contributed to in the past) while excusing and making permissible brutality inflicted on us by those outside the Black Community or who are part of the "system" by your silence against it. In doing so your argument against "Black on Black crime" is rendered moot and null & void by making an argument on behalf of another kind of violence by others against Black folks

You can't have it both ways and seek the end of "Black on Black crime" while turning a blind eye to or excusing other types of violence and offenses against Black people. That is contributing to the problem and not being part of the solution.  ~ I.J. West 

"9 Facts That Show White-on-White Crime Far Exceeds Black-on-Black Crime and How Media Outlets Conceal It" - http://atlantablackstar.com/2015/03/03/9-facts-white-white-crime-far-exceeds-black-black-crime-media-conceals/

"White-on-White Crime: The Hidden Truth" - https://www.decodedscience.org/white-white-crime-hidden-truth/52297

"White-On-White Crime Strikes Again In Waco" - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/05/18/waco-texas-biker-gang_n_7307050.html


  1. I would like to see the statistics and the unbiased source. I just want to learn...

    1. "9 Facts That Show White-on-White Crime Far Exceeds Black-on-Black Crime and How Media Outlets Conceal It" - http://atlantablackstar.com/2015/03/03/9-facts-white-white-crime-far-exceeds-black-black-crime-media-conceals/

      "White-on-White Crime: The Hidden Truth" - https://www.decodedscience.org/white-white-crime-hidden-truth/52297

      "White-On-White Crime Strikes Again In Waco" - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/05/18/waco-texas-biker-gang_n_7307050.html
