Let's examine more closely the "damage control" mechanisms that false prophets use when they get exposed by using a recent example of which I am personally familiar and was involved as a target of censor by one such "profit". We will go in depth from the scriptures and address how believers in Christ are to discern when an exposed church leader is simply doing a disingenuous public relations ploy by projecting a phony image of humility to save their ministry, and when they are sincerely repentant. Are they truly remorseful or just sorry they got caught? We will also discuss the lack of discernment among leaders who won't address these issues, and expose the reasons why many of them protect and promote known false messengers. This will require patient disciplined reading.
*QUESTION: "If you catch me putting cyanide poison in your food and I tell you I'm sorry yet you allow me to continue to make your food, but I put arsenic poison in your food instead then am I really sorry and are you really stupid?"